The morning call today was really sweet. It was unexpected tt he made an effort to gif me a morning call (i hv got pwr system quiz today at 10am). i guess usually things start in a sweet way but for him and he knows it very well he does not hv to do all this. i am glad though he has been wif me ever since the loss of Kevin. -a big THANK YOU to you- =]
And for the quiz.
i was late for the quiz. Yeah, it sounds weird here wif the morning call and i was still late? Wth?! i woke up like almost 2 hrs early to get everything ready. My context of getting things ready is not preparing for the quiz but to get cleaned. i even hv tt so much of extra time to even slowly blow dry my hair…(k, it sounds so not like me. dn ask. i cant blif myself too. Perhaps, ppl change-gradually)
when i was done wif every preparation, happily i went to wait for the shuttle bus an hr before the quiz. i queued.*winks* (yeah, usually i dn queue. i queued this morning which i was proud of… J) still no sign of any lateness up til here…when i was walking towards my sch aft alighting from the bus, i rmb my ASSIGNMENT!!! (The power system ass sheet tt i simply dump on my table since last nite when my course mate, munirah returned to me. i din bother to pack it into my file last nite.) i quickly ransacked my file and in vain, i rmb i left it on the table.
Without any second hesitation, i made my steps faster towards the bus stop hoping to catch the bus to return to my room to get the sheet asap. By tt time, it was alr 10 mins before my quiz would start.
i was so damn lucky… *phews…* allan saw me walking bc and tt made him think tt cls cancelled…oops…sorry allan, i gave u a wrong signal. instead, allan dropped me bc hostel and i was vr thankful i bumped into him. Sorry tt we were both late for the quiz. i was the cause. sorry, allan.
and thr is smth tt i really would like to spread abt-my roomie…
instead of being sympathetic towards what had happened, upon seeing me coming bc for the ass sheet, all she could say to me was, ‘blow your hair some more la~’ ish…
quiz was terrible. i made mistakes. unforgivable mistakes.
k, enuf said of the quiz.
tt was the first piece of sad news for the day.
And the second piece of sad news:
out of a sudden, he asked me today if i noticed tt he has been sad and down lately. i was surprised when he asked me tt. i was speechless and deep down in my heart i was really praying hard thr is nth serious bothering him. i couldn’t take it if anything happens to him. He is important to me. Without him, i wouldn’t hv come this far...i am praying hard tt he will alw be alrite…he is like a guardian to me...the person tt i can go to when i hv probs...
In spite of all the bad news, mom brought me a piece of gd news today. i hv got my industrial training placement confirmed but i am considering to accept it or not. Is this human nature? When thr is none, i make a fuss. When thr is, i still make a fuss. No wonder mom can’t be bothered whenever i complain…hee…she is so used to her daughter’s nvr ending complaints…
and for the placement, i really would like to thank uncle for his passion in helping me to get it confirmed. -Thank you-
due to my connection prob, this entry was presaved on 10 january 2009.