random thought

many times b4 i even started writing, i hv got lots to tel, lots to blog, lots to rumble in my mind but every single time the things tt turned out in my blog are different from my initial thoughts.

why is tt even so? is this like human nature. or. me being spontaneous and fickle minded. put it in a more negative way, it's me being unsystematic. tt would be a better way describing it.

i really hope tt this blog would be a platform which i could share with ppl ard me the real, true, unmasked me. on contrary, every time as my fingers are tapping the keyboard, my mind DID the scanning through. the fear of offending others do come across me whenever i blog. perhaps i think too much. care too much. bother too much.

it is NOT supposed to be like tt. i wan to unleash the truth. the everything. the feelings. BUT. i cant. i cant and i cant. argh!

i wan to be SELFISH. for once. i want to think JUST for MYSELF. and dn gif a damn on OTHERS. can i? they dn appreciate anyway...

Category: 1 comments


dongfang richard said...

jiaaa... don't just start it so well and end it without without a jiao dai!!!

a blog is for you to blog your hweeelingssss...

remember to put on your best smile.. hee~

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